Upcoming events - 3 in Central Florida

This event, pictured here on the left is an attempt by the government to impose fees on Merritt Island - tonite. Double click on it to see that the government is attempting to raise fees.
February 12th - Safe in the Woods. - 1 pm - A Powerpoint presentation on how to stay safe while enjoying Florida woods and wetlands. Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge in Deleon Springs, FL - at the Learning Center on Grand Avenue near Mud Lake Road. By Roger Fulton.
February 19th - Night Hike at Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge. Under a nearly full moon, we'll take you out into the wilds of the refuge at night. It is open to the public but you must pre-register by calling 386-985-4673. Ask for the time we'll start. Roger Fulton will be one of the guides.
Our Sunday Audubon bird and wildlife tours are continuing every Sunday 3-5 pm until, at least, the end of February. We MAY conitue them through the end of March if we have adequate attendance. We have a 60 power scope to help you view the wildlife of the refuge.
Come out and join us on any of these great mini-adventures! It's all free!
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